"Don't look for the outside as the problem and solution both exist inside (soul) of us."
"As the clay creates the vessel and its usefulness lies in its empty space same is true in case of a human being."
"If you pass your idle time without blaming anything, you are in peace."
"You fear because you wish to proceed. Wise men use fear as a tool."
"Life plays with you and you have to win the play. No other option."
"Express your thoughts only when necessary; otherwise, you might develop a habit of excessive talking."
"You only speak when you cease to be at peace with your thoughts."
"The biggest win is to conquer yourself and indeed the competition is tough."
"When you have limited knowledge of your language, you may resort to using abusive language."
"People are distant from GOD, not because it's inherently difficult, but because it's remarkably simple, devoid of complexity."
"Embark on solitude, and you'll find yourself contemplating the one you're alone with."
"Once you believe you know it all, you step into the realm of illusion."
"Self knowledge starts with the end of of our own self as it is called in Sanskrit 'Ek-anta' (the end of oneself)"
"Every time when you lose your temper, you will have to start fresh."
"The beauty of knowledge lies in the humility of the wise; they never claim to have found all wisdom but embrace the role of eternal learners."
"Oh, Almighty! Please give me the power to be unquestionable
All Answers would be the Creators of the Endless questions
Alas! my only obstacle to merge with the nothingness
Oh, Almighty! I should be able to see the fire on the river and those big palaces
Should be able to drink the whine of your Formless figure
Give me the solitude of hearing the long-lasting voice of vain
Fill this vainness with eternal joy so "I" could dissolve unto "thou"
Yes! the end of endless desires"
Oh almighty stars & Sun Forgive us if we don't understand that you are shining for us, FORGIVE US that we are busy in greed and wars and the purity of sunshine is fading due to the poisonous cloud of conflicts. FORGIVE US that we are not like ocean although each drop is capable.
"All the goodness will make the heaven a boring place! We would need to aim for a 'Creator' who doesn't care"
"Yes you understood correcty, you have to fill yourself and it will happen once the vainness of your vessel is explored. Once you feel that your cup is full you seek to outpour it in the form of Love."
"I came alone and I go as a stranger. I do not know who I am, nor what I have been doing. The life I have spent is valueless… I have sinned terribly, and I do not know what punishment awaits me… I have no hope for myself in the afterlife. I am filled with fear for what is to come. I have no trust even in my own prayers. No empire, no wealth, no strength will follow me in my grave..." excerpt from one of Mughal Emperor Aurngazeb's last letters
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